
Thu Aug 18 2011: Hotpots in Heydalur

Isafjordur (A) to Heydalur (B) and back

We've got a rest day in Isafjordur before we leave the West Fjords to explore the rest of Iceland. However, after breakfast we were feeling restless and decided to head out somewhere. So we consulted our handy dandy Iceland guidebook and looked up the closest hotpot.

A "hotpot" isn't a Korean restaurant. It's a naturally occuring hot spring that wells up into a small pool in the ground. It makes for a fantastic natural spa, and the sulfur is great for your skin, or so they say.

Heading to Heydalur

Surveying the West Fjords atop a high perch

... might as well Jump!

Overlook at Isafjaroardjup - the inlet near Isafjordur

We ride east towards the mainland and pull off the main ringroad towards a small community called Heydalur, about 140 kms away from Isafjordur. It's made up of a few houses, one of which is a bed and breakfast situated near the hotpot.

Heydalur's dog watches over our bikes

At the restaurant in Heydalur, this parrot was making all sorts of wild noises, mimicing telephones, saying "Hello".
We figured out he just wanted some attention. Neda is scratching his head and he is giving me the Obvious Parrot look.

The hotpot was about half a kilometer away from the botel. We had to ford a couple of streams sans motorcycles...

This hole in the ground is our hotpot!

There was a tiny, dilapidated shack beside the hotpot to change out of our gear.

We couldn't stay in for too long, probably about 40C! Had to keep jumping in and out.

Soaking in the geothermal pools is a popular activity around here. Funny how Mother Nature works, providing a natural sauna to those who brave the cold, harsh climates of Iceland.

All day, the weather was overcast with some sprinkles. Where is the sun?!?!

Sweepers! Wheeee!

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